Wishes for the young couple - when and how to make them?

A wedding is a special moment in everyone's life. Taking the vows of love and fidelity is a touching and beautiful moment that brings two people together. After the whole ceremony is over, there is another important part of this special day. This is when all the loved ones of the newlyweds want to wish them solemnly. On this day, it is worth making an effort to arrange personalized and unique wishes. How to make wishes to the newlyweds so they were elegant and expressed the best intentions? Is it always necessary to make them personally, in a verbal way?

When is it appropriate to wish the bride and groom?

After the ceremony is completed by the clergyman, or a representative of the registry office, there comes a moment to offer the couple their sincerest wishes. Of course, the next one is always long, as there is no shortage of people who want to convey their intentions to the bride and groom on this special day. It is for this reason that wishes should be quite short. Long speeches are out of the question here, this is better left for a toast. However, it is worth trying to make sure that the wishes are not trite and cliché. It is good to think them over beforehand and arrange them in your head. Making wishes should not cause problems if you are a close friend of the bride and groom or a family member.

If you're part of a pack of friends, there's nothing stopping you from wishing the newlyweds a group wish. If you were already at the wedding, the best time to make them will be the moment right after the whole ceremony is over. This is when you can approach the spouses, mark your presence and say a few words. Importantly, it is not recommended to make wishes before the ceremony. It is also worth paying attention to whether there are any details on the invitation saying how to make wishes. Actually, every wedding is different, and much depends on the people who are getting married. Sometimes wishes are made at the registry office or church, and sometimes before them. Sometimes the couple wants to be approached with their wishes only in the wedding hall.

In what form to make wedding wishes?

Much depends on the distance between you and the bride and groom. If you were already a participant in the wedding ceremony, then it is appropriate for you to make your wishes in person. It happens, of course, that sometimes it becomes impossible to get to the wedding, for example, due to the distance between your place of residence and the place of the nuptials and wedding. In this case, you can send the bride and groom a card or a letter. Such written wishes must be aesthetically pleasing and elegant. It is worth protecting it well from crumpling, so that it reaches the newlyweds intact.

Verbal wishes

When arranging wishes, the main thing to consider is that they should always be tailored to the level of familiarity of the bride and groom. Accompanying persons who do not know the couple usually make very general wishes. So they wish health, happiness, fulfillment of dreams or money. It is also good to wish them a successful and happy future spent together as a couple. Family and friends make more personalized wishes. From parents, they are often extremely touching and very personal. Such words sink into the memory of the newlyweds for a long time and bring a lot of positive feelings. When making wishes, try to make them sincere and arranged specifically for them. These can be wishes for a successful relationship with the wife or husband, the fulfillment of life goals for two. Sometimes many people bring up the subject of planned children, however, not in every case such wishes will be apt. If we do not know whether the couple wants/can have children, it is better not to raise the issue at all. Instead, one can wish them good luck in building up their joint wealth. It is also worth mentioning about being patient with each other or supportive. Any words spoken, should be memorable to them

Wishes in writing

If for some reason you can not be a participant in the wedding then do not forget to wish the newlyweds in writing. It should be an elegant and neat card on which you write a few sentences from the heart. Of course, you can also opt for a longer form, much depends on your creativity. There are many different cards on sale that you can send. Some have already prepared wishes, although it's better to dispense with them. It's best to write a few sentences, but from yourself. The card can be varied with an interesting intention or a poem. For example, the first paragraph can be a quote about love from a book or song. Always write tactfully, if you know the bride and groom well, you can opt for funny wishes.

Commemorative book

A new trend in recent seasons is the memorial book. It appears at many weddings. It is in it that guests write their intentions for the bride and groom. These books sometimes have questions already ready, for which only the answers need to be prepared. This is, of course, a lot of convenience for the guests, which creates an opportunity to make humorous entries. The type of entry depends on you and the relationship you have with the couple. You can write something with humor or straight from the heart. A keepsake book is an excellent memento of the wedding and for years to come.

How to give toasts at a wedding?

A toast is a moment in which he can congratulate the newlyweds and make a short speech in front of the assembled wedding party. The toast should take place during a break from the party, when the orchestra stops playing. Importantly, the toast is made in a standing position and it is worth signaling it in advance. It is also worthwhile to properly prepare for such a speech in advance and include amusing anecdotes about the bride and groom.

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