How to take care of begonias? - a guide for beginners

colorful begonia elatior

Begonias are hardy, colorful plants that will enliven any space. These unusual houseplants thrive in shaded areas and require constant humidity. It is also beneficial to occasionally feed with a liquid plant fertilizer every month or so. Caring for begonias is not difficult if you follow a few basic tips to prevent fungal infections and root rot, and keep your begonia healthy. Check out our guide on the best ways to care for begonias to keep your begonia happy and healthy for years to come.

Begonia - what is this flower?

Begonias are a genus of plants related to lilies. They have large, colorful flowers that bloom in summer and autumn. Some types of begonias produce edible flowers. There are thousands of different types of begonias, and they are commonly referred to as tuberous begonias because they are often grown in the shape of a tuber. There are many different types of begonias, which can be divided into several different categories because of the way they grow. There are tuberous, woody vines, tuberous vines and tuberous flowers. Vines can be grown indoors or outdoors. Types with tuberous flowers are grown mainly as houseplants, but some tuberous begonias can be grown as edible flowers.

Care of begonias

There are two main factors that determine whether a begonia will be a healthy plant or not: how well you take care of it and how well the begonia seeds were cared for when they were growing in the soil. So if you want your begonia to be healthy, you need to carefully follow these steps. 

When caring for begonias, it is also important to keep in mind the climate in which the plant grows. Some types of begonias are better suited to growing outdoors in sunny places, while others grow better in shady places. For plants growing indoors, a sunny spot with at least six hours of direct sunlight per day is ideal. 

Be sure to provide begonias with optimal conditions. Low, indirect light, a temperature between 18-20 degrees Celsius and humidity between 70% and 80% are ideal.

Properly position the begonia pot

When choosing a pot for begonias, you need to consider several things. First, the pot must provide the plant with sufficient air flow. Second, the pot must be sufficiently moist while allowing the roots to spread. If the pot is too dry, the begonia's roots will die; if it is too moist, the begonia will die. The best way to ensure the right mix of air and water in a begonia pot is to repot it frequently. Repotting involves replacing some of the soil in the pot with fresh potting soil, allowing the begonia to grow into the new soil level.

Repotting begonias is easier than you think, and should only take about half an hour. Before repotting your begonias, it's a good idea to empty the old pot and clean it so that no old nutrients or other residues remain in the pot.

Water your begonia regularly

In order for begonias to thrive, they must be provided with the right amount of water. Too little water can cause begonia roots to die, while too much water causes begonias to rot. If the potting soil for begonias is too dry, they will not be able to get enough water. If the potting soil for begonias is too wet, the begonia will drown in water and die. It is best to regularly check the soil and water level in the begonia pot. Remember to water thoroughly so that the soil in the pot is evenly moist. You can also use a humidifier stand to increase the humidity in your home.

Feed your begonia every few months with a liquid fertilizer

Houseplants need a certain amount of nutrients to grow healthy and stay strong. The best way to make sure your begonia gets these nutrients is to feed it a liquid plant fertilizer every few months.

There are several different brands of liquid plant fertilizers, and each of them contains different ingredients. It's best to choose one that is suitable for your type of begonia. How often you feed your begonia depends on the type of liquid plant fertilizer you use. If you use a liquid plant conditioner designed for indoor plants, feed your begonia every three to six months. If you are using a liquid plant conditioner designed for outdoor use, feed your begonia every year. 

When fertilizing begonias, pour the liquid fertilizer into the water tank. This will prevent excess fertilizer from getting on the begonia leaves. 

Take care of your begonia when it is dry

The best way to know if a begonia is dry is to look at the leaves. If they are wrinkled and look dry, there is a good chance they need water. There are several different ways to help begonias when they are dry. The easiest and most effective way to moisten begonias is to use a moistening tray. A humidification tray is a simple piece of equipment designed to increase moisture around the plant. The tray is filled with pebbles or balls that contain water. When you place a begonia on the tray, it will constantly receive water.

Fungal diseases and remedies

Fungal diseases and remedies are only needed if you observe a problem in your begonia. Keep an eye out for these problems and take action immediately if you notice them. For example, if a begonia has abnormal or dying leaves, this is most likely a sign of a bacterial or fungal infection. In such cases, it is best to remove the leaf. If you notice any of these problems, immediately isolate the begonia from the rest of the plant, water it well, and add a few drops of liquid fertilizer. If no signs of infection appear in the next few days, you can water the begonia normally, adding a little liquid plant food every few weeks.


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