Jerusalem artichoke is a plant that has been famous for its health-promoting properties for years. What exactly does it help with? Where can it be used? What are the indications and contraindications for its use? The following article answers these and other questions.
Jerusalem artichoke - where did the name come from?
Jerusalem artichoke is a plant native to North America. It was cultivated there back in pre-Columbian times. It is a vegetable that has many properties that give health benefits. Otherwise known as ground pear, Jerusalem artichoke or tuber sunflower. It is related to the common sunflower. Topinambur owes its name to the Indians of the Topinamboore tribe. In Europe, the vegetable appeared around the 18th century.
Topinambur - what is it?
Jerusalem artichoke is an edible plant belonging to the asteraceae family. It has many valuable properties. People around the world use it for various purposes. The tuberous sunflower can be used as an ornamental, fodder plant, but also edible. Topinambur tubers have an original sweet and nutty taste. They are whitish or yellow in the center. Their taste is sometimes compared to Brazil nuts.
What properties does topinamburium have for health?
Topinambur has many properties for human health. It has valuable components in it, thanks to which it benefits the health of our body. It includes vitamins A, B6, C,E and K. It also has folic acid. Its components also include riboflavin, niacin and thiamin. Besides, minerals such as zinc, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus can be found in topinambur. What health properties does topinambur have? First, it helps regulate the digestive system. Secondly, it contributes to lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It is also helpful in regulating blood pressure. Thanks to topinambur, diseases of the large intestine can be prevented. It also supports weight loss and cleanses the body. It is also a support for the nervous system.
Where can topinambur be used?
Topinambur can be used in many treatments. It can also be helpful in the treatment of various diseases. It is indicated for use for people with type 2 diabetes. The inulin that this vegetable has in it converts into fructose, which works well with diabetics. The use of Jerusalem artichoke also reduces insulin resistance and helps normalize glycemia in this type of diabetes. Topinambur contributes to lowering bad cholesterol, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis. It also helps to digest properly. This vegetable can be used by people who have problems with the digestive system, such as constipation. Thanks to it, stress levels can be lowered, while concentration is increased. It can also be useful in expelling harmful toxins from the body. For example, it is worth reaching for it after consuming a large amount of alcohol. Juice from this vegetable can also be used to treat psoriatic lesions.
What flavor is topinambur?
Topinambur tubers are sweet and nutty in taste. They resemble Brazil nuts in taste. This vegetable can be consumed in various forms. For example, it can be topinambur juice. The tubers of this vegetable can be eaten both raw and after preparation in fried, roasted and boiled form.
Jerusalem artichoke - recipes
There are many dishes that can be prepared with this vegetable. An example of one of them is French fries. It is worth washing the Jerusalem artichoke thoroughly before creating this dish. You can also peel it. Fries are prepared in the same way as from potatoes. Just cut the Jerusalem artichoke into strips and throw it into the oil or into the oven. When doing this, it should be remembered that the fries need to be fried for quite a long time. The finished dish takes on a golden color. Topinambur is also an ideal ingredient for salads. In such a dish you can combine different vegetables. For example, cucumbers, radishes, or onions. All vegetables should be cut as desired and put into a bowl. The whole dish can be poured, for example, with a marinade of oil and spices. It can also be made with other ingredients such as honey or apple cider vinegar. Finally, season and mix thoroughly. The salad can be sprinkled with greens. Another form of serving topinambur can be a casserole. The vegetable should be gently cooked, then put into an ovenproof dish. You can add such additions as onions or garlic. Depending on what flavor you plan to get, the spices can be different. The whole thing can be poured with cream or yogurt and sprinkled with cheese. At the end you can throw in some greens.
Is it worth growing topinambur?
Topinamburium is quite simple to grow. The tubers should be placed in the ground. This can be either a pot or the ground. It can be grown in the garden or on the balcony. In our country, mainly such varieties of this vegetable are grown as Rubik and Albik. The former is characterized by purple tubers, the latter has tubers of white color. The shape of Albik tubers can resemble mace. It is worth considering growing Jerusalem artichoke when you want to improve your health, as well as the functioning of the whole body. Topinambur has a beneficial effect on the entire body, so consider using it in various forms.